Thursday, January 10, 2013

Amazing Grace

Amber Grace, how sweet you are...

Sometimes the things in life we don't consciously plan are the best gifts of all. Just as my first two children were finally heading off to elementary school, and I was about to embark on going back to school myself to either get a teaching certificate or a nursing degree, I had a surprise bestowed upon me...I was pregnant! Sure, I could have kept to those plans of furthering my education, yet at the time we were also renovating an older home and in the process of moving into it as well. Less is more for me, so I chose to postpone those plans. And thank goodness I did.

Friday, November 30, 2012

~ Sweet Bee ~

 "Once in a golden hour,
I cast to earth a seed,
And up there grew a flower,
That others called a weed."
~ Alfred Tennyson

Dear Kora {a.k.a Bee, Cora, & Lanie...} ~ 

As the sun brightens and adds a glow to our home and my mood on this last day in November, there is so much that I want to say to you ~ so much that I want you to know. I've been putting off writing this since the 17th of this month: Your golden birthday. I must admit that I'm a little nervous, and not really sure where to begin...